Social Work Services
Provided by: Saskatchewan Health Authority: Sunrise Health Region
View information about this organization
- Children’s Therapies: Autism Spectrum Disorder Program (9 locations)
- Children’s Therapies: Early Childhood Psychology (9 locations)
- Children’s Therapies: Occupational Therapy (9 locations)
- Children’s Therapies: Physical Therapy (9 locations)
- Children’s Therapies: Speech Language Pathology (10 locations)
- Diabetes Education Program (3 locations)
- Emergency Medical Services (6 locations)
- Heart to Heart Program
- HIV Testing (10 locations)
- Lifeline Program
- LiveWell with Chronic Conditions
- Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation (10 locations)
- Palliative Care (3 locations)
- Primary Health Services Targeted KidsFirst (2 locations)
- Public Health Inspectors
- Public Health: Breastfeeding Support Drop-In Clinic
- Public Health: International Travel and Immunization Clinic
- Public Health: Prenatal Classes (8 locations)
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
- Respite Care (12 locations)
- Social Work Services
- Stroke Prevention Clinic
- Therapies: Physical and Occupational (6 locations)
- Turning Point Program
Service Description
Social workers can help patients and their families cope with difficult and stressful times, which are impacted by illness, disability, and death. Provides assessments, counselling, education, and referral services to patients, residents, or families within the Health Region. Some issues addressed are:
- Stress caused by health problems
- Stress resulting from an accident or injury
- Death and bereavement
- Caregiving concerns
- Life stage transitions
- Assistance with discharge from hospital
- Accessing community resources
- Recognized need for special health related programs.
Services are available throughout the Health Region in all Acute and Long Term Care facilities, or through visits to the home. In Esterhazy, there is a Community Resource Worker that can assist by providing information, or an assessment of needs.
Application Process
Call for information.
Business Line: 306-786-0463
For making a referral or for general inquiries
Coverage Area
Sunrise Health Region
Languages Offered
No Address
Location Info
Business Line: 306-786-0463
For making a referral or for general inquiries
211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.