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Services for People with Disabilities – Employability Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

Provided by: Government of Saskatchewan - Social Services

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Service Description

Funds supports and services to help people experiencing disabilities overcome barriers to labour force participation. Includes supports and services to ensure successful participation in training or education that is needed to prepare for employment, as well as those needed to obtain and maintain employment.


Individuals who, because of a disability, require specialized supports to prepare for, obtain, and/or maintain employment. Individuals must: - Be legally entitled to work in Canada and Saskatchewan; - Be at least 16 years of age; - Be willing to provide a self-declaration of a disability, which may be learning, developmental, mental health, physical, and/or other as declared by the individual; - Develop an approved career action plan or a service plan outlining the following: - Individual's career goals and specific steps to be undertaken to fulfill goals; and - Specialized supports that are required to overcome barriers to participation in education or employment as a result of their disability and, ultimately, to realize their career goals. Employers who are hiring a person with a disability may receive support for the disability-related costs of accommodating that person. For example, technical supports, job coaching, and job shadowing. To be eligible for funding, employer supports should: - Demonstrate a direct link to employment opportunities with local employers; - Demonstrate partnerships among community groups, local industry, and training institutions; and, - Be cost effective. Note: Funding supports are for disability-related costs only. Funding may be used to conduct an assessment to determine the impact of disability and the supports required for education or employment that meet an individual's career goals.

Application Process

Contact SaskJobs Career Services at 1-833-613-0485 or

Unknown Address

Location Info

Toll-Free: 1-833-613-0485

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