Complaints Against Municipal Police
Provided by: Government of Saskatchewan - Justice
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- Access to Information Requests
- Authenticating Notarized Documents
- Child Support Service (2 locations)
- Complaints Against Municipal Police (2 locations)
- Correctional Facilities and Probation
- Court Services: Certificate of Divorce (12 locations)
- Court Services: Community Service Order
- Court Services: Decision-Making Responsibility and Parenting Time (2 locations)
- Court Services: Enforcing Court Orders (12 locations)
- Court Services: Fine Option Program (11 locations)
- Court Services: Juror Assistance and Support
- Court Services: Represent Yourself in Family Court
- Court Services: Transcript of Court Proceedings
- Court Services: Victim or Witness Services (8 locations)
- Dispute Resolution Office: Mediation (2 locations)
- Dispute Resolution Office: Resolving Conflict Constructively Workshop
- Dispute Resolution: Early Family Dispute Resolution
- Family Law Help Sessions (2 locations)
- Family Matters: Assisting Families through Separation and Divorce
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- Hub Tables
- Interpersonal Violence and Abuse: How to End a Fixed Term Tenancy Agreement
- Interpersonal Violence and Abuse: Online Information
- Landlord/Tenant Disputes: Office of Residential Tenancies
- Making A Will – Online Information
- Marriage Information
- Missing Persons: Online Information
- Notary Public Online Information
- Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee
- Parenting After Separation Program (2 locations)
- Prosecution Regional Offices (14 locations)
- Provincial Fine Collection (12 locations)
- Public Notification of High Risk Individuals
- Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods
- Saskatchewan Coroners Service (2 locations)
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
- Victims: Compensation for Victims of Crime (12 locations)
- Victims: Impact Statement and Restitution
- Victims: Online Information
Service Description
The Public Complaints Commission (PCC) receives, investigates, and reviews complaints against municipal police. Ensures that both the public and police receive a fair and thorough investigation of a complaint against Municipal police officers, or an investigation of a possible criminal offence by a municipal police officer.
To make a complaint about the Police Services visit the website.
Anyone who has a concern about the conduct of any member of a municipal police service in relation to his or her duty. You can make a complaint if you are a member of the public outside of the police service.
Application Process
Submit a Complaint:
1. Complete the online Complaint Form OR
2. Print out, fill in and mail in the manual form. Visit the website to find the manual form OR
3. Visit a local Public Complaints Commission to request and fill out the form in person.
Phone 1: 306-964-1450
Saskatoon Sub Office
Fax: 306-787-6528
Toll-Free: 1-866-256-6194
Business Line: 306-787-6519
Regina Office
Service Website
Coverage Area
Languages Offered
Public Complaints Commission: Saskatoon Sub Office
Mailing Address
900 - 3530 Millar Avenue
Saskatoon SK S4P 0B6
Public Complaints Commission: Regina Office
300 - 1919 Saskatchewan Drive
Regina SK S4P 4H2 -
Public Complaints Commission: Saskatoon Sub Office
900 - 3530 Millar Avenue
Saskatoon SK S4P 0B6
Location Info
Fax: 306-964-1454
Toll-Free: 1-866-256-6194
Business Line: 306-964-1450
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