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Financial Assistance Programs – Saskatchewan Housing Benefit

Provided by: Government of Saskatchewan - Social Services

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Service Description

A monthly benefit that helps eligible Saskatchewan renters with their shelter costs (rent and utilities). Monthly amount renters are eligible to receive depends on household size and the percentage of income spent of shelter costs.

  • Households that spend 35 to 45 percent of their income on shelter are eligible as follows:
    • Single and couples: $175
    • Single or couple with one dependant: $225
    • Single or couple with two or more dependants: $275
  • ​Households that spend more than 45% of their income on shelter are eligible as follows:
    • Single and couples: $225
    • Single or couple with one dependant: $275
    • Single or couple with two or more dependants: $325 


Renters are eligible if they: - Spend 35 percent or more of their annual before-tax household income on shelter costs (rent and utilities); - Have less than $300, 000 in household assets; and - Have an annual before-tax household income at or below: Singles and couples: $43,100 Single or couple with one dependant: $52,900 Single or couple with two or more dependants: $63,800 Renters are not eligible for the benefit if they: - receive support from a Government of Saskatchewan income assistance or training program; - rent from a housing authority under the Social Housing Program; - are a sponsored newcomer to Canada; or - are a full-time post-secondary student.

Application Process

Complete the Saskatchewan Housing Benefit Application online.


Download the PDF application via the website. Complete and forward completed application, along with all required documents to Saskatchewan Housing Corporation by email:; Fax: 1-306-798-3110; or Mail: 11th floor - 1920 Broad Street, Regina, SK, S4P 3V6.

If you do not hear from Saskatchewan Housing Corporation within 14 business days, please contact them at or 1-844-787-4177.

Documents Required

Must provide the following for all household occupants 18 years and over:
- Most recent Notice of Assessment or tax return
- Verification of any income that was not reported on tax return, such as veterans' benefits, income earned on reserve, income earned outside Canada or child support payments
- Copy of rent receipt (last month) or lease agreement
- If not a Canadian citizen, provide copies of documents pertaining to immigration status such as Permanent Residence card, Refugee Protection Claimant document, Notice of Decision, or Work Permit.

Note: If taxes were not filed last year, contact Saskatchewan Housing Benefit at 1-844-787-4177 or at to learn about other documents that can be used to declare income.

Toll-Free: 1‑844‑787‑4177

Saskatchewan Housing Corporation

Service Website


Coverage Area


Languages Offered


Saskatchewan Housing Corporation – Regina


11th Floor, 1920 Broad Street
Regina SK  S4P 3V6

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Mailing Address

Regina SK

Location Info

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm (noon), 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

Saskatchewan Housing Benefit: 1-844-787-4177

Toll-Free: 1-800-667-7567

211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.

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