Income Assistance
Provided by: Government of Canada - Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
View information about this organization
- Assisted Living Program (2 locations)
- Education: Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool
- Education: Post-Secondary Student Support Program
- Education: University and College Entrance Preparation Program
- Entrepreneurship and Business Development (2 locations)
- Income Assistance
- Indian Residential School Crisis Line
- Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program
- Indigenous Business Directory
- Indigenous Information
- Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business
- Reserve Lands and Environmental Management Program
Service Description
A program of last resort that helps eligible on-reserve residents and Status Indians in the Yukon cover the costs of their daily living and provides funding to access employment supports.
Income assistance includes funds for:
- basic needs (such as food, clothing, and rent and utilities allowance)
- special needs (such as essential household items, personal incidentals and doctor-recommended diets)
- pre-employment and employment supports to move individuals toward self-sufficiency (such as life skills and job training).
Contact your regional office for further information.
Individuals and their families who are ordinarily resident on reserve* or Status Indians who live in the Yukon who:
- Are eligible for basic or special financial assistance
- Can demonstrate they have no other source of funding to meet their basic needs.
*Ordinarily resident on reserve means that an individual lives on-reserve and does not maintain a primary residence off reserve, but may be temporarily off reserve for the purpose of seeking education or obtaining care or services not available on reserve.
Any individual who is eligible and applies for income assistance will be assessed according to the criteria of their province or the Yukon. Assessment covers the individuals:
- Financial need
- Employability
- Family composition and age
- Available financial resources in the household.
Further details available online or by contacting your community's band office.
Application Process
Application process depends on where you reside - contact your community's band office for details.
Toll-Free: 1-800-567-9604
Service Website
Coverage Area
Languages Offered
English, French
Saskatchewan Regional Office
- Assisted Living Program (2 locations)
- Income Assistance
- Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program
- Reserve Lands and Environmental Management Program
Location Info
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday (by appointment only)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Fax: 306-780-7305
TTY: 1-866-553-0554
Toll-Free: 1-800-567-9604
Business Line: 306-780-5392
211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.