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Service Description

An association of older adults who have reached the age of 90 years and are determined to live in as full and active a style as possible to the age of 100 and beyond pursuing physical activity, mental agility, social and spiritual creativity.


Older adults 90 years of age or older.

Application Process

Fill and submit the application (available online).


No cost.

Business Line: 306-359-9956

Service Website



Coverage Area

Saskatchewan Note: SSM, assisted by SaskTel Pioneers and others, organizes outings for members in Regina and area; Saskatoon Council on Aging organizes outings for member in Saskatoon and area; and a Century Club in Moose Jaw has been established. There are members in other parts of the province, and SSM is looking for groups that would host events in other parts of the province at some point.

Languages Offered


SSM (Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism)


112-2001 Cornwall Street
Regina SK  S4P 3X9

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Location Info

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
9:30 am - 4:30 pm


Wheelchair access - front or side or back doors; Wheelchair access - ramps; Wheelchair access - automatic front door; Wheelchair access - washrooms (at least one)

211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.

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