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SIEF Contribution Program

Provided by: Saskatchewan Indigenous Enterprise Foundation

View information about this organization

Service Description

A needs based program with a mandate to create jobs and to increase the economic well-being of First Nations people. The program is designed to support business start-ups, business acquisitions, or expansions to existing businesses.

  • In the form of a non-repayable financial contribution up to a maximum of$99,999 of total projects costs for individual applications and up to a maximum of $250,000 of total project costs for community or band owned enterprise applications.


Clients and their business must be based in Saskatchewan. Additional eligibility criteria: - registered Status Indian - a majority owned First Nations business/financial organization or - a development corporation.

Visit the website for details on eligible/ineligible projects. All applications require a minimum of a 10 per cent cash equity contribution from the client. All applicants must secure a business loan from a financial institution for a percentage of their project cost.

Application Process

- Stage one: application to determine eligibility.
- Stage two: submit comprehensive business plan to be submitted for further consideration. Application form available online.

Fax: 306-373-4969

Business Line: 306-955-4550

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm (noon), 1:00 - 4:30

Service Website




Coverage Area


Languages Offered


Saskatchewan Indigenous Enterprise Foundation


202A Joseph Okemasis Drive
Asimakaniseekan Askiy Reserve
Saskatoon SK  S7N 1B1

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Mailing Address

202A Joseph Okemasis Drive
Asimakaniseekan Askiy Reserve
Saskatoon SK  S7N 1B1

Location Info

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 -- 4:30 pm


Wheelchair access - designated parking spaces; Wheelchair access - front or side or back doors; Wheelchair access - ramps; Wheelchair access - washrooms (at least one); Wheelchair access - call for details or special appointment req’d

Fax: 306-373-4969

Business Line: 306-955-4550



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