Find a Psychologist
Provided by: Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
View information about this organization
Service Description
Provides a listing of all the registered psychologists in Saskatchewan. Visit the website and scroll down to search by name, city, type of client, or area of expertise.
NOTE: Each registered psychologist must meet specific educational, supervised experience, ethical and competency standards.
Application Process
Visit the website to find a psychologist.
No cost.
Fax: 306-352-1697
Business Line: 306-352-1699
Service Website
Coverage Area
Languages Offered
Saskatchewan College of Psychologists
1026 Winnipeg Street
Regina SK S4R 8P8
Located one and a half blocks south of Ross Avenue and Winnipeg Street (just south of 4th Avenue) on the west side of the street in the Winnipeg Street Business Centre.
Mailing Address
1026 Winnipeg Street
Regina SK S4R 8P8
Location Info
Hours of Operation
Monday - Sunday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Wheelchair access - front or back door.
211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.