Food Education
Provided by: REACH
View information about this organization
Service Description
Delivers after school cooking classes to several elementary schools, as well as for community organizations. Contact REACH for more information.
Application Process
Contact for details.
Fees vary depending upon the cooking programs.
Business Line: 306-347-3224
Hours of Operation
Contact REACH for the most current schedule of cooking programs being offered.
Service Website
Coverage Area
Languages Offered
REACH Food Plant
Mailing Address
Box 4482
Regina SK S4P 3W7
Location Info
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Office and plant are wheelchair accessible, but the food pick up door is not. Call to make arrangements if needed.
211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.