ThriftHOPEia – New & Used Store
Provided by: Meadow Lake Outreach Ministries
View information about this organization
Service Description
New and used store for at risk/low income individuals. Includes items such as:
- children’s clothing, underwear, rubber boots
- shoes – men, women, children
- games
- household items
- seasonal items.
Business Line: 306-234-2300
Hours of Operation
12:00 pm (noon) - 4:00 pm
Service Website
Coverage Area
Meadow Lake and area.
Meadow Lake Outreach Ministries
Mailing Address
PO Box 1166
Meadow Lake SK S9X 1Y8
Location Info
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wheelchair access - call for details or special appointment req'd
Phone 1: 306-234-2302
Soup Kitchen
Phone 2: 306-240-6754
Food Bank
Phone 3: 306-234-1287
Tiny Treasures Daycare
Phone 4: 306-234-2300
Executive Director
Phone 5: 306-234-2333
Administration Assistant
Business Line: 306-234-2300
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