Provided by: Parliament of Canada
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- LEGISinfo
- Parlinfo
Service Description
Provides a research tool for finding information on legislation before Parliament. Provides electronic access to a wide range of information about individual bills, such as:
- details on the passage of the bill through the Senate and House of Commons
- text of the bill as introduced at First Reading and its most recent version if it is amended during the legislative process
- votes
- major speeches at second reading
- coming into force data
- legislative summaries from the Parliamentary Information and Research Service of the Library of Parliament, and
- government press releases and backgrounders (for government bills).
Visit the website for information.
No cost.
TTY: 1-613-995-2266
Toll-Free: 1-866-599-4999
Service Website
Coverage Area
Languages Offered
French, English
Parliament of Canada
Location Info
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