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Child Care

Provided by: Group Family Child Care Home - Sweet Second Home Daycare

Service Description

A licensed child care provider that provides care and supervision for up to 12 children between the ages of one year and 12 years. Operated in the provider’s private residence. Child care provider is fluent in English, Hindi and Punjabi languages. Child Care Subsidy accepted.


  • Believe kids learn through play. Provide opportunities so they can explore, discover, create and imagine.

Programs and Activities

  • Individual and small group activities, active and quiet play. Activities that promote physical, intellectual, language and social-emotional development.


  • Provide nutritious and healthy snacks and lunch.


Children between the ages of one year and 12 years.


Full-time: Infants $880 per month, toddlers $850 per month, pre-school $800 per month.
Child Care Subsidy accepted.

Business Line: 306-320-1983

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 5:00 pm.


Coverage Area


Languages Offered

English, Hindi, Punjabi

Group Family Child Care Home – Sweet Second Home Daycare


362 Gillies Crescent
Saskatoon SK  S7V 0J9

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Location Info

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday, 7:30 am - 5:00 pm.

Business Line: 306-320-1983


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