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Service Description

Provides medically-necessary coverage of medical transportation for eligible First Nations and Inuit people in Canada.

Program may cover your medical transportation costs if you need to travel within Canada for medical care. This benefit covers the travel costs for you to attend medically necessary health services that are unavailable:

  • On reserve
  • In your community of residence.

Medically necessary health services include:

  • Medical services, defined as insured services by provincial or territorial health plans, such as:
    • Appointments with physicians
    • Hospital care
  • Services covered by provincial or territorial health plans, such as:
    • Diagnostic tests
    • Medical treatments
  • Alcohol, solvent, drug abuse and detox treatments
  • Traditional healers
  • Non-insured health benefits, such as:
    • Vision
    • Dental
    • Mental health counselling

Medical transportation benefits include:

  • Travel costs, such as:
    • Bus
    • Airline
    • Private vehicle
  • Living expenses, such as meals and accommodations
  • Emergency transportation, such as ambulance by air or ground.


The program provides eligible clients with coverage for benefits not otherwise available under federal, provincial, territorial or private health insurance.

An eligible client must be a resident of Canada and any of the following:

-a First Nations person who is registered under the Indian Act (commonly referred to as a status Indian);

-an Inuk recognized by an Inuit land claim organization; or

-a child less than 18 months old whose parent is a registered First Nations person or a recognized Inuk.

Medical transportation benefits may also be provided for an aide (also known as an escort) to travel with you. Coverage for escorts depends on certain requirements being met.

In some cases, the program may cover travel costs to bring health professionals into isolated communities to deliver health services.

Application Process

Benefit coverage is outlined in the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program Medical Transportation Policy Framework. Prior approval may be required.

You can request coverage for this benefit by contacting your:
-regional office
-local First Nations or Inuit community health centre.

Wherever possible, the program works with providers (like hotels and airlines) so you do not have to pay fees. These providers will bill the program directly.


No cost.

Toll-Free: 1-866-885-3933

Saskatchewan Non-Insured Health Benefits - Medical transportation is available 24 hours when calling this number.

Service Website



Coverage Area


Languages Offered

French, English

Online Resources

Mailing Address

Address Locator 0900C2
Ottawa ON  K1A 0K9

Location Info

Fax: 613-941-5366

TTY: 1-800-465-7735

Service Canada

Toll-Free: 1-866-225-0709

Business Line: 613-957-2991



211 Saskatchewan strives to make sure information is correct. However, there are often changes to community services, which means inaccuracies may be possible. The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be subject to change.

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