Provided by: Prince Albert Grand Council
View information about this organization
- Child Care and Education Centre
- Education
- First Nations Band Offices (13 locations)
- Forestry and Emergency Protective Services
- Health and Social Development – Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
- Health and Social Development – Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve
- Health and Social Development – Dental Therapy
- Health and Social Development – Emergency Response and Planning
- Health and Social Development – Environmental Health Services
- Health and Social Development – First Aid and CPR Training
- Health and Social Development – Holistic Wellness Centre
- Health and Social Development – Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support
- Health and Social Development – Maternal Child Health
- Health and Social Development – Nursing
- Health and Social Development – Tobacco Control
- Justice
- La Ronge Band Free Tax Clinic
- Montreal Lake Free Tax Clinic
- Northern Lights Community Development Corporation
- Sports, Culture and Recreation Program
- Urban Services – Affordable Student Housing
- Urban Services – Construction Careers
- Urban Services – Family Violence Program
- Urban Services – Individual Client Sponsorship
- Urban Services – Labour Force Development
- Urban Services – Mental Health and Addictions
- Urban Services – Traffic Safety and Community Awareness
- Urban Services – Urban Referral and Parenting Support Services
- Urban Services – Youth Employment Support
Service Description
Programs and services provided directly to First Nations members include:
- Activities for students that enhance and acknowledge First Nation students cultural and academic (holistic) performance
- Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) Fine Arts Festival
- A showcase for First Nations’ students wishing to display a wide range of artistic talent including visual arts, drama, dance, music, literature, and learn hands on skills to enhance their talents.
- Bobby Bird Memorial Awards
- Nominated students must have a minimum average of 65%, be a First Nations member of PAGC and be enrolled in grades 7 – 12.
- Criteria for the award are based on academic achievement, attendance, First Nations language, Traditional/Cultural skills, effort, athletics, special talent/activities, and community service.
- Prince Albert Grand Council (PAGC) Fine Arts Festival
- Third-Level Support
- Use local Elders to develop activities for students and faculty
- Provides educational programs and related services and initiatives that provide assistance to First Nations peoples including the provision of financial assistance to attend education institutions at all levels
- Provides healing and reconciliation programs, services and initiatives for First Nations peoples as required as a result of the intergenerational impacts of the Indian Residential School system
- Child Welfare
- Create resources for PAGC community Child Welfare workers, community leaders, and parents impacted by new federal investments
- Income Assistance First Nations Youth Employment Strategy
- Provide funding for local 18 – 30 year old First Nations youth who are currently on Income Assistance
- Support the development and enhancement of essential employability skill
- Promote the benefits of education as key to labour market participation
- Introduce youth to a variety of career options
- Support access to services to help youth transition to and remain in the workforce
- Reduce long term dependency on Income Assistance
- First Nations Youth Employment Strategy
- works with local First Nations in providing employment opportunities for various clients who are on Income Assistance
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Application Process
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Contact for more information.
Fax: 306-922-3135
Business Line: 306-953-7234
Hours of Operation
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Service Website
Coverage Area
Black Lake Denesuline First Nation, Cumberland House Cree Nation, Fond Du Lac Denesuline First Nation, Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation, James Smith Cree Nation, Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Montreal Lake Cree Nation, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, Red Earth Cree Nation, Shoal Lake Cree Nation, Sturgeon Lake First Nation, Wahpeton Dakota Nation.
Languages Offered
Mailing Address
PO Box 2770
Prince Albert SK S6V 7M2
Location Info
Hours of Operation
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